Saturday, September 12, 2015

Pentaho Data Integration ( PDI ) Interview Questions

1) What are the different components of Pentaho Data Integration tool ?

  1. Spoon : Spoon is a desktop graphical interface to create, edit, run or debug transformations and jobs. 
  2. Pan : Command line interface to run transformations and jobs. Data can be manipulated using pan interface.
  3. Kitchen : Command line interface to run jobs.
  4. Carte : Web container to set up ETL server for remote execution.

2) What are the different ways to store and manage Pentaho code contents ?

  1. File based : Store as files locally. Jobs can be stored as kjb files and transformations as ktr files in XML format.
  2. Enterprise repository :Enterprise level repository recommended for collaborative development and enhanced security.
3) What are the different components of a Pentaho transformation ?
  1. Steps : Steps perform specific tasks and are the basic building blocks of a transformation.
  2. Hops : Hops are data pathways that connect individual steps.

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